Kære ZCT medlem
Vi udsender denne invitation på vegne af RIEN. Ønsker du at deltage i Konferencen, skal du tilmelde dig direkte hos RIEN, se oplysninger nedenfor. Det giver RAB timer hvis du deltager – kontakt Dorthe Lambæk på mail dorthe@zct.dk for at høre hvordan
Hello dear colleagues,
Join us for our international RiEN Conference on 10 & 11 May 2025 in Eindhoven, featuring 13 speakers from Europe and the US on the theme of “Positive Health through Reflexology.” Take advantage of our early bird rates until 31 January 2025.
There will be simultaneous translation (Dutch/French) and online replay options for the lectures on Saturday.
Register for the conference: https://reflexology-europe.org/regconf/
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